肥波使用教程 – Ask Video FabFilter 102 FabFilter Creative Bundle Explored TUTORiAL-DECiBEL

FabFilter 以其混合插件而闻名,但他们的创意包中也有一些隐藏的宝石。 培训师兼音效设计师 Rishabh Rajan 创建了这门课程,向您展示他们的全部知识。 让我们发挥创意吧!

本课程是深入了解 Creative Bundle 插件的特性和功能的旅程。 此捆绑包中包含什么? Twin 3,一种创新的减法合成器,具有一些新颖的功能; Saturn 2,无与伦比的失真插件; Timeless 3,一个非常酷的延迟插件; 和 Volcano,一种强大的滤镜效果。 这 22 个教程将为您提供使用这些创新插件创建自己独特的声音特性所需的知识。

您将从全面了解 Twin 3 中的振荡器和滤波器开始,了解如何调整它们以获得您想要的声音。 您还将掌握调制、随机 LFO 和效果部分。 然后,您将深入研究 FabFilter 的旗舰多频带饱和度和失真插件 Saturn。 您将探索反馈控制、多频段功能和调制选项。

接下来,您将探索 Timeless,这是一个高度通用的延迟插件。 在这里,您将了解有关延迟、颜色和多次击键控制以及板载过滤器的所有信息。 最后但同样重要的是,您会发现 Volcano,这是最好的过滤器插件之一。 您将使用过滤器控件、路由选项和调制功能。 在课程结束时,您将彻底了解 Creative Bundle 中包含的每个插件,并且您将知道如何将它们结合使用来创建富有表现力和动态的音乐、音景和音效。

准备好迎接非常有创意的体验吧! 现在拿起你的耳机,准备见证 FabFilter 创意包的无限可能!

22 影片
1 小时 54 米


FabFilter are well known for their mixing plugins, but they also have some hidden gems in their creative bundle. Trainer and sound designer Rishabh Rajan created this course to show you all about them. Lets get creative!

This couse is an in-depth journey into the features and functions of the Creative Bundle plugins. What is included in this bundle? Twin 3, an innovative subtractive synthesizer with some novel features; Saturn 2, an unparalleled distortion plugin; Timeless 3, a very cool delay plugin; and Volcano, a powerful filter effect. These 22 tutorials will give you the knowledge you need to create your own unique sonic identity with these innovative plugins.

You’ll start off by learning all about the oscillators and filters in Twin 3, understanding how to adjust them to get the sound you want. You’ll also get to grips with the modulation, random LFOs, and effects section. Then, you’ll delve into Saturn, FabFilter’s flagship multiband saturation and distortion plugin. You’ll explore the feedback controls, multiband capabilities, and modulation options.

Next, you’ll explore Timeless, a highly versatile delay plugin. Here, you’ll learn all about the delay, color, and multi-tap controls, as well as the onboard filter. Last but not least, you’ll discover Volcano, one of the best filter plugin available. You’ll play with the filter controls, routing options, and modulation capabilities. By the end of the course you’ll have a thorough understanding of every plugin included in the Creative Bundle, and you’ll know how to use them together to create expressive and dynamic music, soundscapes, and sound effects.

Get ready for a very creative experience! Grab your headphones now, and prepare to witness the limitless possibilities of FabFilter’s creative bundle!

22 Videos
1h 54m

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