[全家桶全新整理版]East West PLAY 6 好莱坞管弦乐白金弦乐世界民乐中国风丝绸之路人声系列音源合集 [WiN](2Tb)

音源名称:East West
音源类型:打击乐 钢琴 吉他贝斯 管弦乐 民乐 人声 综合等
加载方式:East West PLAY 采样器(需要先安装)

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East West 钢琴:
斯坦威大钢琴音色库 East West Pianos Platinum Steinway D —- 57GB
雅马哈钢琴 East West Pianos Platinum Yamaha C7 ————45GB
贝森朵夫原声钢琴 East West Pianos Platinum Bosendorfer 290 —– 86GB
好莱坞贝希斯坦钢琴 East West Pianos Platinum Bechstein 280 —72GB

East West 吉他贝斯:

好莱坞摇滚鼓 吉他 贝斯音色 East West Ministry of Rock 1 —–20GB
好莱坞摇滚鼓 吉他 贝斯音色 East West Ministry of Rock 2 —–57GB
吉他手 管弦乐音色库 East West Midi Guitar Vol 1 Orchestra —- 17GB
吉他手 民乐 人声音色库 East West Midi Guitar Vol 2 Ethnic and Voices 16GB
吉他手 音景氛围 East West Midi Guitar Vol 3 Soundscapes — 11GB
好莱坞吉他 贝司 East West Midi Guitar Vol 4 Guitar and Bass — 35GB
吉他手 键盘 打击乐音色库 East West Midi Guitar Vol 5 Keys and Perc 26GB

East West 打击乐:
专业制作人鼓音色库 East West ProDrummer Joe Chiccarelli — 33GB
专业制作人打击乐 East West ProDrummer Spike Stent ——-54GB
电影暴风鼓音色库 East West Stormdrum v1 ———————8GB
好莱坞电影暴风鼓 East West Stormdrum 2 ——————– 17GB
好莱坞暴风鼓电影打击乐 East West Stormdrum 3 ————83GB
好莱坞交响打击乐 East West Hollywood Orchestral Percussion Diamond —69GB

East West 管弦乐:
好莱坞竖琴音色 East West Hollywood Harp Diamond ——– 14GB
好莱坞弦乐音色库 East West Hollywood Strings Diamond —- 312GB
好莱坞铜管乐音色库 East West Hollywood Brass Diamond —-147GB
好莱坞木管 East West Hollywood Orchestral Woodwinds Diamond —-133GB
好莱坞独奏大提琴 East West Hollywood Solo Cello Diamond ——–38GB
好莱坞独奏小提琴 East West Hollywood Solo Violin Diamond ——-36GB
好莱坞独奏小提琴音色库 East West Solo Violin —————–4.3GB
好莱坞流行铜管弦乐 East West Hollywood Pop Brass ————21GB

白金铜管音色库 East West Symphonic Orchestra Brass Platinum ——-34GB
白金交响打击乐 East West Symphonic Orchestra Percussion Platinum —11GB
白金木管 East West Symphonic Orchestra Woodwinds Platinum ———-22GB
白金弦乐 East West Symphonic Orchestra Strings Platinum ————-47Gb

East West 人声:
好莱坞合唱团 East West Hollywood Choirs Diamond ——–55GB
好莱坞交响合唱团 East West Symphonic Choirs Platinum —–40GB
好莱坞古典戏剧人声音色库 East West Voices Of Opera —— 37GB
帝国史诗电影人声 East West Voices Of The Empire ———–12GB
深情人声音色库 East West Voices of Soul ———————11GB
好莱坞女歌手独唱人声 East West Voices of Passion ———– 7.3GB
好莱坞人声音色库 East West Hollywood Backup Singers ——–8GB

East West 其他:
丝绸之路世界民乐音色库 East West Silk ————————-24GB
好莱坞世界民乐镭音色库 East West RA ————————–13GB

East West 综合:
25周年部分音色库 East West 25th Anniversary Collection — 20.42GB
大师虚拟综合乐器音色库 East West Ghostwriter —————-56GB
黑暗怪异综合音色 East West The Dark Side ——————-37GB
好莱坞精选综合音色库 East West Goliath ——————— 40GB
好莱坞披头士综合音色库 East West Fab Four ——————13GB
吉普赛综合音色库 East West Gypsy ——————————12GB

下载价格:10 兔币
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