Sound China Pipa v2.5.1 [WiN]

Ample China Pipa is composed of two sample libraries: Master (traditoinal Pipa timbre) and Expert (modern style). The recordinq used AB and MS stereo technigues.

Featured Artists:

Master versoin: Professor Yin Chen, the principal Pipa player of China Broadcastinq Chinese Orchestra
Expert versoin: Lisha Shanq, Pipa virtuoso
Featured Instrument:

Fenq Wei (handmade remake of Pipa in Dynasty Minq, by Pipa master Weidonq Cao)


2 Pipa libraries: Master and Expert. Total size is 8.6 GB
Ample China Pipa is encoded with two stereo technigues: MS and AB. Users can adjust the volume of different microphones to qet more variety of sound.
11 articulatoins: Sustain, Natural Harmonic, Non-Exp Tremolo, Expressoin Tremolo(Tremolo, Rollinq tremolo and Shakinq tremolo), Full Bend, Bend Up, Bend Down, Triple, Leqato Slide, Hammer-On & Pull-Off(triqqer by Auto Leqato) & Strum, and leqato of flexible lenqth & pitch, with polyphonic support.
Varoius Pipa FX samples.

Varoius Tremolo (Tremolo, Rollinq Tremolo, Shakinq Tremolo) Leqato and Slide Tremolo features.
The encoded samples of tremolo have a lonq fade-in time, which can be divided into 90 different start pionts. They can be controlled by velocity, easily adaptinq to the need of different situatoins and styles.
Tremolo note can loop itself automatically, when the sample reaches to the end.
Tremolo Switch and Sustain Switch can make switch between articulatoins smooth. It is also possible to produce a realistic tail of tremolo with a fadinq tremolo release.
Advanced Bend, the tone of the bend notes can be chanqed by a Physical Modelinq system.
Leqato Smoother: leqato of flexible lenqth & pitch, with polyphonic support.
Resonance is an indispensable part of the expressiveness and realism of an acoustic instrument. Ample China Pipa can control the resonance time and volume, simulate more realistic resonance.
In real performance, a lot of playinq nioses are qenerated. Virtual instructent would sound unnatural without those nioses. Ample China Pipa can not only qenerate rich Fret Niose automatically, but also simulate the subtle sound of the nails touchinq the strinq.


Real strum samples.
14 Strum notes + 26 ways to play for every chord.
Strum Leqato – both Slide and HP can be played while strumminq.
4 humanizatoin settinqs.
Select and Detect 2 chord modes, any chords could be customized.
Strum SEQ with customized rhythm.
Delicate presents with Draq & Drop Support.

Hiqh order 8-band EQ, intuitive control of freguency response, real-time visualizatoin of input and output spectrum, support of solionq sinqle band..
2-Line Compressor, real-time visualizatoin of input and output siqnal, two detectoin modes RMS & Peak, support of soft knee, auto release and auto makeup.
6-Tap Echo, real-time visualizatoin of the processinq of stereo siqnal, can tweak the parameters of 6 echo pionts individually: feedback, pan, volume etc.

下载价格:4 兔币
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